Friday, January 15, 2010

My Attempt at Blogging

I have been wanted to start a blog for some time now. Figuring I have a lot going on with my life, and my addict to Facebook is getting too much. I need something else to do while I'm on the computer! :) So, here I am! Attempting to blog about my life. You will probably hear too much about my boys and Mic Mic (our cocker spaniel).

Right now, I am home on a Friday because my oldest son, Lucas, is sick. He started throwing up in the middle of the night, and now he is running a fever. He is a little upset because he will probably have to miss his cousin's birthday party tomorrow. I'm hoping that his fever breaks soon.

This has been a busy week. Midterms started at school. The math ones were on Wednesday and Thursday. Mickey also has had me worried all week. He started acting strange on Monday. We thought that maybe he was hurt or had been poisoned. He loves being outside, so it was weird when I had to pick him up and put him outside to go potty. Mickey was acting like the dog that we always wanted. He was laying around and not getting into anything. If anyone knows Mickey, they know that when he is acting like that, something is wrong. He is usually jumping on things and trying to get people's food. I think though we figured out what was wrong. When I got home yesterday, I went to let Mickey out of the laundry room. (That's where he stays when we are not home.) When I opened the door, I was encountered by a smell. We think that maybe Mic Mic was constipated. He started to act like his old self again. I should have known that the night was going to be eventful!